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As a chiropractic physician, I see patients with a whole host of issues such as headaches, allergies, shoulder pain, knee pain, menstrual problems, etc. But over 90% of the people who come to see me have some sort of pain complaint in their neck or low back.

Along with helping my patients feel better, I also investigate what is actually causing their pain. My objective is to uncover what is going on inside the body so it can be eliminated and the person can get long term benefits. And after thirty years in practice, I can say with certainty that 95% of all pain syndromes have the following five components in common. It is vitally important to know what is causing your pain so you can take steps to deal with it effectively, not just cover it up with drugs, shots or surgery.

Here are the 5 main causes of virtually all neck and back pain syndromes:

  1. Restricted or “fixated” Joints: Simply put, the joints in some areas do not move enough making joints in other areas move too much (compensation). This will always lead to wear and tear (degeneration) and eventually pain. (Note – most pain happens at the compensation site, not the restricted one.)
  2. Posture Distortion: Virtually everyone (even children) has forward head posture and the loss of the normal curves in the neck and low back. This also causes degeneration to joints and discs. We are forward slouching (flexion) creatures due to sitting, computers, cell phones, pillows, etc.
  3. Chronic Inflammatory Reactions: I call them reactions because inflammation is basically your body “reacting” to a certain state. When two bones wear away (degenerate), the underlying tissue is exposed to the immune system. Since this tissue is considered abnormal by your immune cells, they begin an “attack” and signal your body to release a slew of inflammatory chemicals like cytokines. Even herniated disc material is “foreign” to the body and is attacked. Also, poor diets can add to this inflammatory “cascade”.
  4. Muscle Imbalance: Some muscles contract too much while others “go to sleep” (get inhibited). Other muscles are just too weak to stabilize the spine so it constantly gets injured.
  5. Nerve Stress: Nerves are delicate. Any stress to them from inflammation or becoming stretched or pinched can have a devastating effect on your body.

In a nutshell, to deal effectively with spinal pain, you have to “un-lock” the fixated segments with gentle chiropractic adjustments, do specific posture correction exercises and identify and strengthen weak or inhibited muscles. In addition, an anti-inflammatory diet and certain supplements need to be used. This comprehensive approach is the only way to get long term relief from neck and back pain. Drugs, shots and ignoring it are just temporary.

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