(732) 920-8844

Fibromyalgia Treatment in Brick

Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis that some doctors give patients that are experiencing certain symptoms like painful trigger points, brain fog, sleep disturbances, fatigue, depression, among others. However, it is not really a disease per se, but a label given to an unexplained phenomenon that could have a variety of different causes such as hormone imbalance, brain chemistry imbalance and nerve system disfunction.

Dr. Kawa is well versed in the current research involving the fibromyalgia phenomenon and he has noticed throughout the years that the medications his patients were taking to treat fibromyalgia had a variety of bad side effects and did not address the underlying problem; malfunction of certain body systems. In fact, in many patients who may be overweight, just losing weight is something that can lessen the inflammation and help to relieve many symptoms.

Therefore, Dr. Kawa’s approach to helping people who have been given the fibromyalgia diagnosis, is to start to help his patients bodies function better. He uses specific gentle chiropractic adjustments, diet, nutritional supplementation and rebalancing of your body chemistry to solve these issues.

Why This is Treatment Works

Dr. Kawa does not just want you to feel better, he works towards restoring the balance and function. This is an alternative fibromyalgia treatment in Brick NJ that works wonders for his patients.

If you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and before turning to drugs that have serious side effects, call our office and schedule a free consultation with Dr. Kawa to discuss your situation and your concerns. You can sit down with him and ask him any questions you may have. He will be able to tell you if he thinks he can help. There’s nothing to lose and possibly everything to gain. Call today!