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Spine related pain conditions continue to be some of the most costly conditions in the U.S. In fact, according to a Journal of the American Medical Association report, low back and neck pain are the 3rd most costly conditions. The costs result in almost $90 billion in healthcare expenditures in just 2019 alone. Only diabetes and ischemic heart disease had higher annual costs.

To correct this massive cost issue, researchers are searching for the most cost effective solutions for mechanical spine pain. Mechanical spine pain is the result of malfunction of the spinal joints, discs or nerves. This type of spine pain accounts for about 90% of all spine pain syndromes.

Over and over again, chiropractic is proving to not only be the most effective treatment for mechanical spine pain, but it is also coming out on top for being the least costly.

Why is Chiropractic the Best Option?

According to a 2016 study reported in the prestigious Spine Journal, chiropractic plus home exercise proved to have better outcomes for adults with mechanical spine pain and lower costs compared to physical therapy.

This goes against the grain of what most medical doctors do for their patients with low back and neck pain; which is, to send them right to a physical therapist. However, Dr. Christopher Kawa, a chiropractor in Brick NJ , states “The reason chiropractic is so effective is that before patients are given exercises and stretches, chiropractors work to ensure that all the joints in their patients spine and pelvis are moving correctly. This is something that physical therapists are not trained to do.”

In fact, Dr. Kawa goes on to say “Chiropractors are experts in restoring proper motion patterns in the spine ‘first’, so that the nervous system can then change the way it’s “holding” the body in alignment. This is crucial to long-term healing and thus reducing costs of care.”

Another study in 2012 from Medical Care shows that using chiropractors for spine related issues saves each individual hundreds annually. The savings are $424 in lower adjusted annual healthcare costs and significantly lower hospitalization expenditures. Additionally, the findings don’t even account for drug costs, which undoubtedly would save even more.

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