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Scoliosis is a silent, sometimes debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by a curvature and/or rotation of the spine that can go unnoticed until it causes life-altering consequences. Scientific studies have shown that scoliosis not only affects children, but it can also develop in adults, leading to chronic pain, reduced mobility, and even respiratory problems.

One study published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found that the prevalence of scoliosis in adults aged 40 to 85 was around 68%. The study also revealed that scoliosis was more common in women than men, and it was associated with a higher risk of developing chronic back pain and disability.

Another study published in the European Spine Journal showed that untreated scoliosis can lead to respiratory problems, especially in severe cases. The study found that patients with scoliosis had reduced lung function compared to healthy individuals, and this reduction worsened as the curvature of the spine increased.

The impact of scoliosis on people’s lives cannot be overstated. It can cause physical, emotional, and social problems, affecting not only the individuals but also their families and communities. Therefore, early detection and treatment are crucial to prevent scoliosis from progressing and causing irreversible damage.

Dr. Kawa is uniquely qualified to assess these types of spinal abnormalities. He uses state-of-the-art digital x-ray and paraspinal EMG to evaluate the spinal curves and can give expert recommendations on how to address the problem.

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